All too frequently as a college student, you will hear people talk about how their roommate will eat their food without asking.
Lets face it we all love food, and your roommate is bound to have stuff you like. It may be difficult but restrain from eating these tempting treats but The fact of the matter is, IT ISN'T YOURS SO DONT TOUCH IT!
This simple rule will save you from being labeled as the "kid who steals food". People consider these things when inviting you into their room. If your roommate tells one of your friends you eat his food without asking, he is more likely to reconsider inviting you in his room.
Thus leading me to the second don't, on how not to become that "annoying" and "inconsiderate" roommate; do not eat your roommates food without permission!
This is hilarious, yet so true. Roommates think that just because the food is in your room that they have the right to it! I'm glad this was one of you topics covered! Nothing is more frustrating then searching for the food item only to realize it's gone because of your roommate!